Curriculum Vitae
Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University 2020
Dissertation: Visualizing Voice: Framing Peace & Agency in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Committee: Dr. Sara Cobb (Chair), Drucie French Cumbie Professor, School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (S-CAR); Dr. Leslie Dwyer, Associate Professor, S-CAR; Lynne Scott-Constantine, Associate Professor, GMU School of Art
Master of Arts in Social Justice and Human Rights, Arizona State University 2012
Thesis/Applied Project: One Day Sex Trafficking Snapshot of an Internet Service Provider
Literature review of online sex trafficking and prostitution of both juveniles and adults, managed 12 person research team including training/debriefing and study logistics, developed study materials and assisted with development of juvenile and adult trafficking indicator matrices, lead researcher on team in charge of analyzing ads in San Diego County. Coordinated data collection and assisted with data analysis, co-authored report on initial findings of the study.
Committee: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, Chair, Dr. Alejandra Elenes, (Arizona State University), Lt. James M. Gallagher, M.Admin. (Phoenix Police Department).
Bachelor of Arts, Arizona State University 2008
Major: Political Science; Minors: Spanish, Psychology; Certificate: International Studies
Research Experience
Research & Policy Director: Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security 2020- present
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Senior WPS expert. Envision and execute research projects, supervise research fellows, disseminate research findings through academic, policy, and practitioner communities, and teach graduate certificate courses.
Research Scholar: Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs 2019- 2020
Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
Support and contribute to the research agenda of the Gender Equality Initiative (GEIA) in International Affairs at the Elliott School. Activities include leading workshops for faculty and students, invited talks and presentations, participating in GEIA advisory board meetings, and teaching courses for the Elliott School.
Program Manager: Everyday Peace Indicators 2018- 2019
Responsible for the coordination and management of research projects using Everyday Peace Indicators in Colombia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso among others. Activities include data collection, data management, and analysis, as well as coordination of consultancies.
Research Assistant: United States Institute of Peace 2018- 2o19
Data analysis and codebook development for Everyday Peace Indicators component of SCORE project in Sri Lanka.
Dean’s Fellow: Center for the Study of Narrative & Conflict Resolution 2014-2017
School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University
Responsibilities include research project design and management; community trainings, events, and presentations; supervision of staff, including graduate and undergraduate research assistants; and management of peer-reviewed journal, Narrative Explorations in Theory & Practice. Trained in narrative analytics including discourse analysis, actant analysis, Labovian analysis, master/counter narrative dynamics, positioning theory and a normative model for assessing narrative. Trained in narrative intervention tools including circular questions, externalizations, narrative reflective practice, and narrative debriefing. Work on research projects has included design and management of the Open Discourse Project focused on supporting the evolution of narratives about the 2016 Presidential; actant analysis of extremist rhetoric; narrative analysis of image-elicited responses; development of a Narrative Debriefing method; and World Cafes.
Program Manager: Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research (STIR) 2013-2014
School of Social Work, Arizona State University
Responsibilities include managing research projects, developing research and grant proposals, co-authoring peer reviewed manuscripts and research briefs, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, training undergraduate and graduate research assistants, and assisting with trainings on sex trafficking at community agencies.
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz 2011-2012
School of Social Work, Arizona State University
Participated in research on a variety of topics including motivation to change among prostituted women and exiting needs, treatment needs of gang involved prostituted adults, assessing demand for sex online sex ads, online sex ad minor detection matrix, recruiting techniques of pimps targeting minors, and assessing the number of domestic minor sex trafficking victims in Maricopa County. Assisted in data collection, analysis, and the development of manuscripts for publication; also participated in program evaluations and collaboration with community partners (e.g. trainings, groups, on-site data collection).
Peer-Reviewed Articles & Research Briefs
Smith, J.M, Olosky, L., & Grosman-Fernández, J. (2021). “The Climate-Gender-Conflict Nexus: Amplifying Women’s Contributions at the Grassroots.” Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.
Smith, J.M. (2020). “Visualizing Voice: Framing Peace & Agency in Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Doctoral dissertation, George Mason University. Published by ProQuest.
Smith, J.M. (2020). “From Subjects of Stories to Agents of Change: Countering Dominant Discourses of Gender and Peacebuilding.” In Healing and Peacebuilding after War: Transforming Trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina, edited by Julianne Funk, Nancy Good and Marie E. Berry, (145-163). New York: Routledge.
Smith, J.M. (2016). Snaga Žene: Disrupting Discourses of Victimhood in Bosnia-Herzegovina. International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, Issue 2. Available at
Gallagher, E. & Smith, J.M. (2014). Evaluation of UNRWA’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy: Final Report. Amman, Jordan.
Roe-Sepowitz, D. E., Gallagher, J., Martin, L., Snyder, G., Hickle, K. E., & Smith, J. M. (2012). One-Day Sex Trafficking Snapshot of an Internet Service Provider. Phoenix: Arizona State University School of Social Work.
Roe-Sepowitz, D. E., Gallagher, J., Hickle, K. E., & Smith, J. M. (2013). Invisible Offenders: A Study Estimating Online Sex Customers. Phoenix: Arizona State University School of Social Work.
Other Relevant Media Publications
Smith, J.M & Olosky, L. (2021). “Opinion: How to promote peace, gender equality through climate action.” Devex.
Smith, J.M, Olosky, L., & Grosman-Fernández, J. (2021). “Five Ways the US Can Leverage Existing Policy to Advance Gender, Climate and Security Goals.” Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.
Smith, J.M, Olosky, L., & Grosman-Fernández, J. (2021). “Bridging Silos at the Climate-Gender-Conflict Nexus.” PeaceLab Blog.
Verveer, M. & Smith, J.M. (2021). “Who pays the price for climate crisis.” CNN.
Juried National and International Conference Presentations
Smith, J.M. (June 2018). (Re)membering History: Photovoice as a Feminist Praxis of Narrative Evolution. Presented at Why Remember? Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Smith, J.M. (March 2018). Power & Participation: Women's Approaches to Social Transformation in the Aftermath of War. International Studies Association Annual Conference in San Francisco, CA.
Smith, J.M. (September 2017). Snaga Žene: Disrupting Discourse of Victimhood in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Presented at Conflict Research Society Annual Conference at Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Smith, J.M. (June 2017). Power, Politics, and Public Memory in the Aftermath of War: Elevating Marginalized Narratives Using Photovoice. Presented at Why Remember? Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Smith, J.M. (April 2017). Disrupting Discourses of Victimhood: Photovoice as a Resource for Self-Representation. Presented at Theorizing Linkages, Practicing Solidarity: Feminist Approaches to Conflict Resolution conference at George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Smith, J.M. (July 2016). Art & Agency: Capturing Women’s Contributions to Postwar Peace. Presented at Trauma, Memory, and Healing in the Balkans and Beyond conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Smith, J.M. (March 2016). Picturing Peace: Using Participatory Photography to Articulate Community-led Visions for Change. Presented at International Studies Association Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA.
Smith, J.M. (November 2015). Women as Agents: Breaking out of a Discourse of Victimhood. Presented at Politics of Victimhood in Conflict Resolution at George Mason University in Arlington VA.
Smith, J.M. (June 2015). Ethics of Storying Agency: When Speaking is not Enough. Presented at Ethics of Storytelling Conference at University of Turku in Turku, Finland.
Roe-Sepowitz, D. E., Hickle, K. E., Smith, J.M. & Brockie, M. (September 2013). Unique Outreach Projects to Combat Sexual Exploitation. Paper presented at the Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sex Work Conference in Toledo, OH.
Hickle, K. E., Roe-Sepowitz, D. E., & Smith, J.M. (September 2013). Esuba: Putting the Pieces Back Together. Paper presented at the National Victims of Crime Conference in Phoenix, AZ.
Roe-Sepowitz, D.E., & Smith, J.M. (September 2012). Motivation to Change among Prostituted Women in a Court Ordered Diversion Program. Poster presented at the Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Conference in Toledo, OH.
Invited Community Presentations
Smith, J.M. (December 2017). Measuring Inclusion. Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Smith, J.M. (October 2015). Stories from the Field: Reflections on Qualitative Research in Indonesia. Presented at the School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, VA.
Smith, J.M. (July 2015). I AM ME: Staring Down Stigma Using Visual Self-Representation. Presented at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Smith, J.M., & Roe-Sepowitz, D. E. (October 2013). Justice, Sex Trafficking & Prostitution. Presented at the Gathering Justice Event in Phoenix, AZ.
Roe-Sepowitz, D.E., Smith, J.M., Hickle, K.E., & Gallagher, J. (July 2013). Arizona Hotel Child Protection Project in Phoenix, AZ.
Roe-Sepowitz, D.E., & Smith, J.M. (April 2013). Motivation to Change among Prostituted Women in a Court Ordered Diversion Program. Poster presented at the Social Justice and Human Rights Meet and Greet Event in Phoenix, AZ.
Professional Experience
Journal of Narrative and Conflict: Explorations of Theory and Practice Jan. 2015 – May 2018
Managing Editor Curate articles for regular and special issue volumes, coordinate journal management, copy-edit submissions, journal layout and publishing.
Management Systems International for USAID Jan. 2018 – June 2018
Research Assistant literature review, drafting and editing of report "The Role of Women in Violent Extremism in Asia" June 28, 2018.
Center for the Study of Gender & Conflict, George Mason University Oct. 2017 – May 2018
Program Assistant Advise and create content for Gender Center activities, including annual academic conference, managing COUNTER/ACTION Magazine, contributing to peer-reviewed publications and development of grant applications.
Inclusive Global Leadership Initiative, Sié Chéou-Kang Center for Int'l Security and Diplomacy, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Univ. of Denver August 2017 & August 2018
Faculty Co-led multiple sessions with 15 frontline women-identified activists from around the world, who were carefully chosen to participate in this weeklong institute to learn non-violent resistance strategies.
United Nations Relief & Works Agency, Headquarters Amman Feb. 2014 – July 2014
Evaluation Assistant Research assistant for Agency-wide evaluation of the UNRWA Gender Mainstreaming Strategy, which included programs in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and Gaza. Required travel to several fields of operation, one-on-one interviews, focus groups, research, and report development.
Gender Unit Intern Assisted with coordination of agency-wide activities aimed at promoting and monitoring gender sensitive programming and interventions in line with international frameworks for gender equality. Daily tasks included research, proposal development and editing, creation of Gender Task Force Bulletin and workshop co-facilitation.
Oxfam Great Britain March-April 2014
Copy-editor Professional copy-editing for Oxfam GB of Women’s Access to Justice in the MENA Region: Endline Final Evaluation Report.
Esuba Arizona: A Psychoeducation Trauma-Focused Group Intervention 2012 – 2014
Group Co-Facilitator Co-facilitation of a weekly 90-minute trauma and abuse psychoeducational group called Esuba (the word abuse spelled backward) at the City of Phoenix Prostitution Diversion Program. Also responsible for data collection and management, in addition to co-facilitation of group and planning of weekly group activities.
Catholic Charities DIGNITY House Aug. 2012 – Dec. 2012
Intern Led therapeutic art workshops with residents at DIGNITY House (safe house for sex trafficked women); street-level outreach to sex workers providing information about services, as well as hygiene products/food; assisted with intake interviews of new DIGNITY House residents; developed recommendations for continued advancement of best practices for new and established clients.
Mesa Community College Mesa Legend Newspaper Sept. 2008 – Jan. 2010
News Editor, Staff Writer, Photographer Wrote and edited stories, page layout/design (Photoshop, Quark, InDesign), photography assignments, managed journalism student reporters.
Phoenix New Times Aug. 2008 – Oct. 2008
Photojournalist Intern Staff photographer for local events; photo editing/proofing.
El Golfo Times Aug. 2008 – Oct. 2008
Intern Staff photographer for events in Mexico; English/Spanish translation of articles; page layout/design.
International Rescue Committee, Phoenix June 2007 – Nov. 2007
Community Health Assistant/Executive Assistant Medical case worker for refugee clients with critical medical needs, orchestrated client care between case workers, clients, and medical professionals; supported Regional Director with daily operational tasks, organizational development, interviewing, research, policy development, editing/proof-reading grant proposals, program budget maintenance, prepared and reviewed grant files, coordinated inter-staff communication for proposals.
Students for Arizona Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) Oct. 2006 – June 2007
Vice President Grassroots campaign organization/development, lobbied in Washington, DC for policy change on higher education, trained volunteers for leadership positions within the organization, coordinated campus events to raise awareness of state and national campaigns, built coalitions with other organizations on campus, directed new member recruitment drive at Tempe campus, developed and implemented new phone banking system to recruit new volunteers.
Research Experience (* Indicates role of Co-Investigator, all others assume graduate research assistant contribution)
Evaluation of StreetlightUSA*: The 2012 StreetlightUSA Program Evaluation includes information about the 33 domestic minor sex trafficking victims who lived at the residential program. The evaluation explored a variety of characteristics about the residents including their unique sex trafficking experience, histories related to family, placement, abuse, substance use, criminal activity, mental/physical health, education etc. Additionally the evaluation was used to explore the service needs of the youth, create a tailored program response and to develop program content to meet their specific needs.
Online Sex Ad Minor Detection Matrix Development*: This study is the development of a set of paper/pencil matrices to be used by law enforcement to assist in the detection of minors or adult trafficking victims in adult ad venues. This study combines the use of ad text and photo/art analysis. A truthset of known minor sex ads (reported and rescued by law enforcement) has been developed through the validation study of these matrices. Research funded by Thorn:Digital Defenders of Children. For the October 3rd study, 7 major cities across the United States participated.
Assessing the Demand for Online Sex Ads*: (ongoing) The understanding of ‘customers’ of prostituted women has been limited to descriptions of characteristics from arrest reports and studies conducted on ‘john schools’, or diversion programs for individuals arrested for prostitution solicitation. Increased understanding of customer behavior is important in addressing sex trafficking on a national level. This study will explore the demand for online sex sellers in an effort to further develop knowledge of the issue and inform anti-trafficking efforts. Research funded by Thorn.
Motivation to Change Among Prostituted Women in Court-Ordered Diversion Programs*: This study examines the relationship between trauma symptomology, as measured by the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI), and stages of change, as measured by the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) among a sample of 127 individuals participating in the Phoenix Prostitution Diversion program. Preliminary findings suggest that individuals who report clinically significant trauma symptomology on all 10 TSI subscales are more likely to be in the contemplation or preparation stage of change.
Esuba*: A 12-week manualized trauma-focused psychoeducation intervention called “Esuba: Putting the Pieces Back Together” has been offered for the past eight years to sex trafficked adults and the past three years to sex trafficked minors in the Phoenix area. The group has been evaluated using pre- and post-tests, for its effectiveness in helping to reduce trauma symptomology and increase motivation to change behavior related to trafficking involvement among adult participants and has just begun to be evaluated in a group for minor sex trafficking victims.
Evaluation of the Phoenix John School: This study created a pre and post survey for attendees of an Offenders Who Solicit Diversion Program. These surveys also collected demographic data and reasons for solicitation. Information from the evaluation is used to modify the materials presented during the one-day diversion class as well as to inform law enforcement and service providers.
Project ROSE Evaluation: This evaluation explores the successful implementation of a community driven arrest-alternative in Phoenix, Arizona. Project ROSE is a two-day event that is law enforcement led along with 12 community agencies and provides multidimensional services to adults in sex trafficking and prostitution situations. The clients also complete their Diversion intake on-site and must agree to complete the program. Our evaluation explores if the clients recidivate within one year and if they successfully complete the Diversion program. The first four events have served 312 adults.
Evaluation of the Phoenix Prostitution Diversion Program: (2004-2013, 3500 cases, ongoing) This study provides ongoing and timely feedback on the City of Phoenix Prostitution Diversion program in an effort to modify and improve the services provided. Positive outcomes include rates of program completion and low recidivism rates. This study also allows us to better understand trends regarding substance abuse, housing needs, mental health and types of sex trading within the sex trafficked and prostituted adult clients.
Grants and Contracts
Received: 2018 Fall Research Fellowship
$5,000 Awarded from the School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University
Received: 2018 Dissertation Completion Fellowship
$10,000 Awarded for Spring 2018 from the Office of the Provost, George Mason University
Received: 2017 Graduate Research Summer Fellowship
$7,000 Awarded for summer 2017 from the Office of the Provost, George Mason University
Received: 2016 Graduate Research Summer Fellowship
$7,000 Awarded for summer 2016 from the Office of the Provost, George Mason University
Received: International Travel Grant
$1,000 Awarded 2016 from the Graduate Student Travel Fund, George Mason University
Received: Graduate Student Travel Grant
$450 Awarded for 2015 from the Graduate Student Travel Fund, George Mason University
Received: Pre-Dissertation Research Grant
$5000 Awarded for 2015 from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Received: International Travel Grant
$2,875 Awarded for 2015 from the Graduate Student Travel Fund, George Mason University
Received: Wallace Warfield Scholarship
$1000 Awarded for 2015 from the Wallace Warfield Scholarship Fund, School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution
Received: School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution Travel Grant
$300 Awarded for 2015, 2016, and 2017 from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Received: Super Bowl 2014-2015 Sex Trafficking Research Study $42,700 Awarded for 2013/2014 from the McCain Institute.
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Received: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victim Count $25,000 Awarded for 2013/2014 from the McCain Institute
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Received: Identifying High Risk Minors $23,754 Awarded for 2013/2014 from Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Received: Exploring Demand $25,509 Awarded for 2013/2014 from Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Received: Promoting Awareness, Identification and Providing Interventions to Victims Impacted by Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking
$50,000 Awarded for 2013/2014. ASU Women and Philanthropy
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Received: Evaluation and Training Project: StreetlightUSA $16,000 Awarded for 2012-2013; $16,000 awarded for 2013-2014
PI: Dr. Dominique Roe-Sepowitz; Role: Co-Investigator
Applied: 2017 Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy $7,500 Not funded
Applied: 2017 Josephine de Karman Fellowship $22,000 Not funded
Applied: 2017 Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship $20,000 Not funded
Applied: United States Institute of Peace Jennings Randolph Dissertation Fellowship (2016) $20,000 Not funded
Applied: International Peace Research Foundation Small Grants Program (2016) $5,000 Not funded
Applied: COSMOS Club Foundation (2016) $4,000 Not funded
Applied: The Aftermath Project (2016) $20,000 Not funded
Applied: Build Peace Fellowship (2016) $10,000 Not funded
Applied: Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling (2016) $4,000 Not funded
Recognitions and Awards
George Mason University, S-CAR Dean’s Fellowship 2014-2017
ASU Graduate and Professional Student Association Travel Grant ($702) 2013
Nominated: ASU Outstanding Graduate Student: Recognition of Achievement 2012
Travel Grant: Carsten Family Funds for Social Justice Research ($752) 2012
Travel Grant: Amnesty International ($250) 2012
Presidents’ Scholarship (full tuition waiver) 2002-2003 & 2003-2004
Director of Transportation, Project ROSE 2011-2013
Group facilitator, therapeutic art workshops at Against Abuse 2012-2013
Domestic Violence Shelter and Catholic Charities DIGNITY House- 250 hours 2012-2013
Event Coordinator, First Annual City of Phoenix Sex Trafficking Summit 2013
Event Support, Catholic Charities Annual Candlelight Walk 2011-2012
Event Planner/Student Workshop Leader, Youth Education Summit, ASU-West 2011
Graduate Student Leader, Light of Hope Event, ASU-West 2011
Amnesty International ASU-West, Co-Director 2011-2012
Amnesty International Write for Rights ASU-West Event Coordinator 2011
Relevant Skills & Qualifications
Certified in PhotoVoice methods through PhotoVoice, London UK (2015)
Conversational Spanish (Spanish Minor, international language study 2006 & 2011)
Gender Analysis
Narrative Analysis
International program evaluation experience (United Nations Relief & Works Agency)
U.S. program evaluation experience (co-investigator on contracted program evaluation of StreelightUSA through Arizona State University)
Grant writing experience (individual and institutional level grant applications)
Data management and analysis (SPSS, Excel, data entry, data scrubbing, etc.)
Graphic Design and page layout (Photoshop, Quark, InDesign, etc.)
Professional photography experience
Experienced copy editor (grammar, spelling/punctuation, style, composition)
Research experience (qualitative/quantitative methods; narrative methods; focus groups; field-based data collection)
Facilitation of large and small group trainings
Proposal writing/editing (grants, fellowships, technical & financial proposals, IRB, etc.)
Project/event coordination (students, clients, community, research team)
Grassroots advocacy (campaign management, recruitment, training, leadership)